Krasnodar do to the power everything forever to correct a situation with floods of sewerages in the Moscow residential district

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A situation with Solnechnaya St. floodings because of plentiful thawing of snow and frequent zasor of economic and household sewerages household garbage discussed at meeting which was held by the deputy of chapter Krasnodar Andrey Aleksandrovich Doroshev at the request of Eugenie Alekseevich Pervyshov. The question of transfer of networks of water supply was the focus of attention and water disposals the residential district "Moscow" to municipality for the subsequent transfer to rent for service LLC "Krasnodar water services company" also. . Now the Moscow residential district is overloaded with sewer drains approximately twice. — Today we need to accept...
Eugenie Alekseevich Pervyshov
Main activity:Official
Natalia Alsheva
Last position: Deputy, chairman of committee on questions of economy, trade, agriculture, business, investment policy and informatization (Krasnodar City Council)
Andrey Aleksandrovich Doroshev
Last position: Deputy head (Administration of the municipal entity Krasnodar city)
Baranov Roman
Pavlyuchenko Dimitri
LLC "Krasnodar water services company"
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
City administration
Government Agency