Vladimir Putin appointed the general from Saint Petersburg the deputy head of SK

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President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the decree about appointment of the lieutenant general of justice Alexander Klaus the new vice-chairman of Committee of inquiry Alexander Bastrykin. The text of the document is published on an official portal of legal information. To appoint the lieutenant general of justice Alexander Klaus the vice-chairman of Investigating Committee of the Russian Federation, having relieved him of the post — it is spoken in the decree text. Vladimir Putin signed the decree on March 3, it comes into force from the date of signing. Earlier Alexander Klaus held a position of the head within six years...
Alexander Bastrykin
Last position: Chairman (Investigating Committee of the Russian Federation)
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Vladimir Aleksandrovich Chernov
Last position: The head of department of the President on interregional and cultural ties with foreign countries (Administration office President The Russian Federation on interregional and cultural ties with foreign countries)
Alexander Klaus
Last position: Vice-chairman (Investigating Committee of the Russian Federation)
Maslov Igor