Let's read, sing and draw together

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The Alitussky center of culture of ethnic minorities online announces competition A.S. Pushkin's name "we Read, I Will eat, we Draw". Today studying of Russian chooses new generation of pupils of schools in Lithuania. In the conditions of quarantine it is impossible full, profound training. Therefore we offer in help a modern form of fixing of knowledge. Competition conducts the history since 2009. It was created for support of studying of Russian, as a form of practical application of knowledge pupils of schools Alytus and the area. In the 2009th year, in a year of celebration of the 210 anniversary since the birth of Pushkin A. S., the culture Center...
Pushkin A. S.
Basistaya Svetlana
Kirichenko Olga
Bondareva Natalia
Petrauskene Nadezhda