"Youri Pavlovich Semin – a block. Motivator fine. Will say directly that thinks, never behind the back". Sergei Petrovich Omelyanchuk about the trainer

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The former defender of "Locomotive" Sergei Petrovich Omelyanchuk answered questions of work with the trainer Youri Pavlovich Semin. – In 2005th you appeared in champion "Loco". Semin Kakim was remembered? – Block. Anything superfluous, the motivator fine, selected group of fighters who always for Palycha, fought for result. At it after all not always stars played, but he achieved results always. – Why players so fought for it? – It fair. Will state to you in a face that thinks, never behind the back. At me so was. It is clear that there are those who worked with it more long. Still it was permanently fair in the plan konkurentsii:...