20 million swindlers on falsification of an insurance earned OSAGO in Pskov Region and Novgorod Region

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activity groups of the swindlers who are engaged in falsification of insured events on OSAGO on territories Novgorod Region and Pskov Region is stopped. About it periodical e-edition "Pskovskoe agentstvo informatsii" was reported by the partner of press office of Insurance Public joint-stock company "Ingosstrakh". The criminal group was revealed by the staff of Department of the analysis and information security (DAIZI) of Insurance Public joint-stock company "Ingosstrakh". Swindlers caused to the insurance companies damage of more than 20 million rubles. The criminal community included 20 people, all of them received punishment in the form of imprisonment. In total in 2020 Insurance Public joint-stock company "Ingosstrakh" revealed 2 065 attempts of the roguish actions connected with...
Alexander Borisovich Gulyaev
Last position: Deputy CEO for protection of assets (SPAO "INGOSSTRAKH")
Main activity:Insurance