Arsene Venger can reunite with Mesut Ozil in "Fenerbahçe"
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"Fenerbahçe" can replace the head coach. As reports a source with reference to newspaper "Bild", "canaries" can dismiss Erol Bulut for unsatisfactory results. The Turkish club considers three candidates for replacement Erol Bulut among whom there is the former mentor of "Arsenal" Arsene Venger. Besides, surnames appear in a short list of "Fenerbahçe" Christophe Daum which already worked in team with 2003 on 2006 and from 2009 to 2010, and the ex-trainer "Istanbul" Okan Buruk. If Arsene Venger agrees on the offer of the Turkish club, it will reunite with the former ward Mesut Ozil...