Rent alternative to deposits

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The closed share investment funds (ZPIF) investing in real estate, being considered until recently destiny of wealthy citizens, now are even more often offered and for more wide range of investors. Rent ZPIFY now provide profitability much above, than ruble deposits. However such investments will demand not less than 300 thousand rubles and can stretch for three-five years. Rates Low rates on deposits compel private investors for funds to look for them alternative which even more often there are investments in stock market. By data NAUFOR, for 2020 assets of natural persons on...
Vyacheslav Ismaylov
Main activity:Official
Catherina Gantseva
Last position: CEO (LLC "Management company Kapital PIF")
Vladimir Mikhaylovich Potapov
Last position: Head of Department of broker service, senior vice-president, chairman of the board of directors (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK VTB")
Dmitri Lebedev
Bogdanov Andrey
PJSC Moscow Exchange
Main activity:Printing services