In the French party, on others planet

@Delovoj Kazahstan
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Let's talk about the higher education rather about why MAUN RK started closing one higher education institution behind another. By the way, it is that case when I two hands approve ministry actions. Frame from the movie "Operation "Y" or Shurik's new adventures" Know, how many in Kazakhstan higher educational institutions? Hundred thirty. It is a lot of it or a little? On the international statistics of one educational institution it is enough on 300 thousand of population. That is for Kazakhstan there are enough only 60 higher education institutions. By the way, in Kazakh the Soviet Socialist Republic in the 1980th years honor and was: about 50 higher educational institutions and 220 specialized secondary. To...
Zubov Andrey
Main activity:Science and education
Harvard university
Main activity:Science and education
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Main activity:Science and education