To Japan the quantity of banknotes in 10 000 yens] gre

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During koronavirusny crisis to Japan popularity of cash money grows to what significant growth in the address of quantity of banknotes of 10 000 yens (95 dollars) testifies, on February 22 reports The Asahi Shimbun. As of the end of 2020 the volume of banknotes in 10 000 yens, the largest Japanese face value, jumped up for 5,3% in comparison with previous year. The cumulative cost of these banknotes makes 110 trillion yens that is 1,5 times more, than 10 years ago. Hideo Kumano, chief economist of Dai-ichi Life Research Institute Inc. told that increase in quantity of banknotes of 10...
Shinzo Abe
Main activity:Politician
Gruk Andrey
Bank Japan
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