"After a cerebral hemorrhage most of all was afraid of memory loss". Alex Fergyuson before a release of the documentary film

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The former head coach Football club "Manchester United" Alex Fergyuson shared experiences in connection with a cerebral hemorrhage in 2018. "Most of all I was afraid to lose memory, having had a cerebral hemorrhage", – Alex Fergyuson told. The comment was made in connection with the forthcoming release of the documentary film devoted to life and work of the former trainer. Its release is planned for May 27, 2021, the son Alex Fergyuson Jason became the director. It will be possible to see a picture as at movie theaters, and in service of Amazon.com, Inc. Prime. Part in shootings took, besides Alex Fergyuson and his relatives, ex-football players...
Gordon David Strakan
Last position: Technical director (FVPR)
Ryan Giggs
Last position: Soccer head coach Sbornoy of Wales
Kantona Eric
Football club "Manchester United"
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