Deputies about the report of the mayor: "The general for the city we will solve problems together"

@Novosibirskie novosti
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Watch also the Report of the mayor Novosibirsk for 2020 before Engelssky city council deputies — the full text Today, on February 17, deputies Council of deputies of the Novosibirsk city by a majority vote supported the report of the mayor Anatoly Loktya on work in 2020. People's deputies want to see to the development loudspeaker the cities. For this reason a form of the annual report of the city hall ask to correct. For evaluation of the work of municipality will choose certain criteria. Here is how commented on the decision and results of work of the city hall some representatives Engelssky city council deputies. Kirill Pokrovsky: "Year was difficult for all" — the Report was enough...
Kirill Pokrovsky
Main activity:Politician
Igor Kudin
Last position: Deputy (Council of deputies of the Novosibirsk city)
Catherina Mitryashina
Main activity:Politician
Igor Nikolaevich Titarenko
Last position: The deputy, the vice-chairman of the commission on municipal economy, the member of the commission on orders of voters (Council of deputies of the Novosibirsk city)
Anton Tyrtyshny
Last position: Director of JSC VBV-Tekhno construction
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