The Chelyabinsk judoists filled up a moneybox of medals

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Photo: Chelyabinsk Region are provided by the press service of the Center of the Olympic preparation on judo to name A.E. Miller Odna gold and two silver medals was brought by the Chelyabinsk athletes from competitions in Omsk and Moscow. As the press service of the Center of the Olympic preparation on judo reports Chelyabinsk Region to name A.E. Miller, Chelyabinsk Region was represented by two athletes – Gunther Dimitri and Tikhonov Kirill, acting in heavy category (over 100 kilograms). Gunther Dimitri extracted gold, and Tikhonov Kirill – silver. The ward of the honored trainer Russian Federation Vostrikov Andrey Gunther Dimitri from SShOR "Yunost-Metar"...
Arsene Tolasov
Last position: The professional athlete on judo
Gunther Dimitri
Tikhonov Kirill
Vostrikov Andrey
Kleshkov Daniil