Tests of a new vaccine from Koronavirus on the basis of its weakened version came to the end successfully

@Nauka - TASS
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A pandemic of Koronavirus Scientists hope soon to start tests in public Read information agency "ITAR-TASS" in Yandeks.Novosti Yandeks.Dzen... To show the hidden references of Google News information agency "ITAR-TASS", on February 17. Japanese molecular biologists created the weakened version Koronavirus Koronavirus which can be used for creation of a vaccine from Koronavirus. New preparation checked on the Syrian hamsters, article with the description of tests was published by bioRxiv. "We created some strains Koronavirus which at a temperature of 37 °C breed in cells of people and animals much more slowly than other versions of Koronavirus. One of...