Ilyin Ilya called a shame a situation with deprivation of the weight-lifter Aydar Kazov apartments
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A few days ago it became known that in SKO at the champion Asia on weightlifting Aydar Kazov selected the presented apartment. Having decided to support the colleague on shop, the weight-lifter Ilyin Ilya wrote a post to Networks, transfers news agency. In website "Instagram" and Social network Facebook Ilyin Ilya addressed to all not indifferent to sports. "Two years Aydar could not issue the apartment then to him suggest to move to other housing complex and which precisely promise to issue, but now a young family with the child on hands ask to be moved from the apartment "presented" by akimat as it is sold to other people! Simply shameful and...
Aydar Kazov
Last position: The professional athlete on weightlifting
Ilyin Ilya