От механизатора в Уссурийске до Госдумы и конфискованных миллиардов: карьера Сопчука

От механизатора в Уссурийске до Госдумы и конфискованных миллиардов: карьера...
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Sergei Sopchuk
Last position: Deputy (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Alexander Shishkin
Last position: The representative from executive body of the government of Khabarovsk territory in Council of Federation of the Russian Federation. The member of the committee of the Federation Council on defense and safety
Rona Sopchuk
Last position: Chairman (Zelenokumsk district district court cities Vladivostok Primorsky territory)
Kishakovskaya Olga
Darkin Sergei
Toyota Camry
Manufactured by:Toyota