The ex-mayor Chernov Roman Borisovich is offered to appropriate a rank "The honourable citizen of Penza"

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A rank "The honourable citizen of Penza" is offered to appropriate to the deputy director generals PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY GROUP OF COMPANIES "TNS ENERGO" – to the managing director of LLC "TNS ENERGO PENZA" to Chernov Roman Borisovich, holding a position of the mayor from 2005 to 2014...
Eugenie Mikhaylovich Severgin
Main activity:Official
Vladimir Borisovich Mutovkin
Main activity:Official
Chernov Roman Borisovich
Krasnov Yvan
Lukichev Sergei
PJSC TNS energo Group of Companies
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism