The ex-president Argentina Menem Carlos died on the 91st year of life
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The former president Argentina Menem Carlos died on the 91st year of life because of complications on heart. About it reported local mass media. The ex-president died in one of capital hospitals where he was hospitalized recently. Menem Carlos held presidential post from July 8, 1989 to December 10, 1999. Its first presidential term lasted from 1989 to 1995 then it was re-elected for the second four-year term. Since 2005 to the death Menem Carlos was senator from Province of La Rioja. The present president Alberto Ankhel Fernandes, having learned about death of the ex-president, wrote in Twitter: "I with...
Alberto Ankhel Fernandes
Main activity:Politician
Menem Carlos
Men K.
Menem Saul