In Republic of Crimea advised Turkey not to dream of the Russian territories
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Expansion of influence Turkey in the direction of the southern regions Russian Federation — ridiculous dream which reminds a fragment of a science-fiction genre. So emergence on air of the Turkish TV channel of the card with the peninsula was commented by the head of committee State Council of the Republic Crimea on national diplomacy and the international relations Youri Konstantinovich Gempel...
Youri Konstantinovich Gempel
Last position: The chairman of Standing committee on the international relations (State Council of the Republic Crimea)
Andrey Leonidovich Krasov
Main activity:Politician
Pavel Shperov
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee for the Commonwealth of Independent States, to the Euroasian integration and communications with compatriots (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Malgavko Aleksey
Aleksandrova Kira