Mikhail Murashko congratulated the academician Dedov Yvan Ivanovich on anniversary

@Minzdrav Rossii
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The Minister of Health Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko in a festive atmosphere congratulated the president of NMITs of endocrinology of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the hero of work Russian Federation Dedov Yvan Ivanovich on 80-year anniversary since birth. In the congratulatory word Mikhail Murashko noted the significant contribution Dedov Yvan Ivanovich in development medical science, modernization of endocrinological and diabetologichesky service to Russian Federation, preparation of highly qualified personnel. Mikhail Murashko wished to the hero of the anniversary of a good health and long years of service for the benefit of the most noble profession. Dedov Yvan Ivanovich...