Soccer. Arthur Slabashevich became the player the player of Public association "Football club "Dinamo-Brest"

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The defender Arthur Slabashevich became the player the player of Public association "Football club "Dinamo-Brest" ". The Grodno "Neman" where since 2019 it played 24 matches was the last club of the 31-year-old defender and did two goal passes. Earlier Artur also supported "Star" - BGU, "Hradec Kralove" (Czech Republic), "Banik" (Czech Republic), "Vedrich"-97 ", to Smolevichi" - STI, "Slaviyu-Mozyr", "Vitebsk", "Isloch" — is spoken in the message of the press service of the Brest club...
Arthur Slabashevich
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (FSHM)
Ufkis GFK "Dinamo-Brest"
Main activity:Culture and sports