On February 9 Semen Spivak "Killer whale" according to the play Tolstoy Aleksey will be shown to the 25 anniversary creative activity at Youth theater the honored artist Russian Federation Alexander Mikhaylovich Stroev

@Novosti Sankt-Peterburga
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On February 05, 2021 performance "Killer whale" Display to the 25 anniversary creative activity at Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky youth theater" Alexander Mikhaylovich Stroev on February 9...
Solomon Spivak
Last position: Chief director, artistic director (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky youth theater")
Alexander Mikhaylovich Stroev
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky youth theater")
Tolstoy Aleksey
Ilyich Ilya