The quality management system of "Micron" confirmed compliance to the ISO 9001:2015 standard

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Project Zakazchiki:mikron (Mikron) Moscow; Electrical equipment and microelectronics Podryadchiki:bureau of Veritas Product: Projects external audits IT and safety (in tch PCI DSS and SUIB) project Date: 2020/08 - 2021/01 Technology: IB - Antiviruses contractors - the 242nd projects - 1114 systems - the 414th vendors - 112 Technology: IB - the Antispam contractors - the 206th projects - the 915th systems - the 216th vendors - 77 Technology: IB - Technologies of identification contractors - the 242nd projects - 761 systems - the 397th vendors - 224 Technology: IB - Firewalls contractors - the 307th projects - 1198 systems - the 633rd vendors - 215 Technology: IB - Prevention...