The weight-lifter Likhorad disqualified for a dope: "There are a lot of questions. This preparation is laid off , and at me showed"
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The bronze prize-winner of ChM-2018 on weightlifting Vadim Likhorad, disqualified for violation of anti-doping rules, declared that did not apply the forbidden substances. Degidrokhlormetil-testosterone was found in test of the Belarusian athlete. Likhorad was disqualified since January 27, 2020 for four-year term. "Not everything is so simple, there are too many questions. For example, this preparation is removed from productions, and at me showed. Though all national team accepts the identical resolved additives. Then from where in my blood a dope? " – Likhorad told. Likhorad also declared that would like to remain in sports in...