"Already got used to weigh food": the star of series Dmitry Pchela tries to keep a form

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On Domashny TV channel the 12-serial melodrama "At Everyone the Lie" in which Dmitry Pchela plays a major role starts on February 1. The actor told how supports a body in perfect tune and about peripetias of the hero. the 36-year-old actor this time appears as the businessman who lie destroys own family. In life Dmitry Pchela not so such. He is the exemplary husband and the father. From hobbies the actor very much loves skis which rides on Botanical garden. The star of series and in a gym trains. Thanks to sports the actor is in a fine physical form. He noted...
Aleksey Lapshin
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater satiry")
Olga Pavlovets
Last position: Actress