"Ливерпуль" может купить Бена Дэвиса

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Неожиданной целью "Ливерпуля" по укреплению центра обороны стал 25-летний Бен Дэвис из "Престона"...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «FAPL.ru — English soccer» , more details in our Terms of Service
Jurgen Norbert Klopp
Last position: Trainer (FC "Liverpul")
Fábio Henrique Tavares (Fábio Henrique Tavares)
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (FC "Liverpul")
Sepp Van den Berg
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (FC "Liverpul")
Davis Ben
Gomes Joe
Football club "New York Red Bullz"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Football club "Vest Khem United"
Main activity:Culture and sports