Учебник для первоклассников издали при поддержке томского губернатора

Учебник "Изобразительное искусство" для учеников первых классов выпустило издательство "Просвещение" при финансовой поддержке губернатора Томской области Сергея...
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Leonid Glok
Last position: The deputy, the Chairman of committee on work and social policy, the Member of the commission by training, to youth policy and sports, flax of the Commission on control of reliability of data on the income, about property and the obligations of property character represented by deputies of the Legislative Duma of the Tomsk region (Legislative Duma of the Tomsk region)
Ludmila Ogorodova
Last position: The deputy governor on scientific educational complex and digital transformation (Administration of the Tomsk region)
Sergei Zhvachkin
Main activity:Politician
Saybedinov Alexander
Grabtsevich Irina