"The grandmother always cared that in a stomach we had something": Vilmar Enrique Barrios Teran told about the difficult childhood

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Happened that the grandmother could not have enough money to pay for products in shop the Colombian halfback blue-white-blue Vilmar Enrique Barrios Teran gave big interview sport TV channel "Match TV" in which told about how chose a way of the football player and earned the first money, the press service transfers JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FC "ZENIT". The football player admitted that his childhood was not so colourful, but his grandmother always cared of that to his family always was what to eat. "However, sometimes for dinner it there could be simply fig. Well or we thought out something for a change. For example, for breakfast could strew it with ground coffee", - told...
Vilmar Enrique Barrios Teran
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FC "ZENIT")
Main activity:Culture and sports