Intel updates a record on revenue the 5th year in a row

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Soderzhaniye2020: Record updating on revenue the 5th year in a row 2019 Growth of revenue by 2% to $71,97 billion, the net profit did not change — $21,05 billion In number 20 of the most profitable companies the world 2018: Growth of revenue by 13% to $70,85 billion 2017: Record revenue of $62,8 billion thanks to server business 2016: Record revenue of $59,4 billion due to sales decisions for TsOD and Internet of things 2015: Revenue crash in the markets of chips for the personal computer 2014: Growth of revenue by 6%, arrived to 22% due to sales server chips 2013: Revenue of $52,7 billion, profit of $12,3 billion 2012 Results of year: Decrease in revenue and profit because of a failure in the market...