Бывший помощник губернатора стал главой Духовницкого района

Константин Нестеров официально утвержден в должности, сообщает министерство по делам территориальных образований Саратовской области...
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Vasilii Ivanovich Kuryakin
Main activity:Official
Valery Radayev
Last position: Party member ("United Russia")
Sergei Zyuzin
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Subnational Entities of the Saratov region)
Gagik Kirakosyan
Last position: Deputy, member of the committee on the state construction and local government, member of the committee on housing, construction and utility policy (Regional Duma of Saratov)
Committee po turizmu
Government Agency
Government Agency
Oblastnaya duma
Government Agency