Бывший помощник губернатора стал главой Духовницкого района

Константин Нестеров официально утвержден в должности, сообщает министерство по делам территориальных образований Саратовской области...
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Sergei Zyuzin
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Subnational Entities of the Saratov region)
Gagik Kirakosyan
Last position: Deputy, member of the committee on the state construction and local government, member of the committee on housing, construction and utility policy (Regional Duma of Saratov)
Vasilii Ivanovich Kuryakin
Main activity:Official
Valery Radayev
Last position: Party member ("United Russia")
Committee po turizmu
Government Agency
Government Agency
Oblastnaya duma
Government Agency