РОФ имени Ахмата-Хаджи Кадырова построил погорельцам в Грозном новый дом

@Vesti Respubliki
За два месяца жилое помещение не просто полностью восстановили, но и закупили необходимую мебель, а также благоустроили дворовую...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Vestie Respubliki» , more details in our Terms of Service
Ramzan Kadyrov
Last position: Governor of Chechnya (President of the Republic of Chechen)
Akhmad Kadyrov
Main activity:Politician
Isa Nazhadievich Khadzhimuradov
Last position: Deputy head (Administration of the Head and Government of the Chechen Republic)
Mansur Magomed-Emievich Abdulaev
Last position: First Deputy Mayor (Mayor's office of the Grozny city)
Musaev Maskhud