newspaper "Kommersant" learned about possible fast resignation chapters "System operator"

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Moscow. January 14. information agency "Interfaks" - the Head "System operator" (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SISTEMNY OPERATOR YEDINOY ENERGETICHESKOY SISTEMY") can be replaced soon, newspaper "Kommersant" reported on Thursday with reference to sources. So, Boris Ilyich Ayuev because of "the ripened need of personnel rotation" leading company since 2004, quotes the edition of the interlocutors. It contract, however, comes to an end in 2022. His deputy - Fedor Opadchy can replace Boris Ilyich Ayuev. It is thus supposed that board of directors will be headed by the new Minister of Energy Nicholas Shulginov, before years working hard in the operator. Fedor Opadchy works in...
Boris Ilyich Ayuev
Main activity:Official
Fedor Opadchy
Main activity:Official
Nicholas Shulginov
Main activity:Official
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water