The Yakut academician about Sardana Avksentyeva: "Such persons are demanded by history"

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The academician All-russian public organization "Rossiyskaya academy yestestvennykh nauk", the St. Petersburg Arctic Academy nauk, the honorary academician of Academy of spirituality of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic (Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, the author of 28 republican laws, including the law "About the Status of the Capital of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic — Yakutsk", the owner of an honorary title "Professor-2019" Vinokurova Ulyana on the page in social networks shared opinion on leaving Sardana Avksentyeva from a capital post of the head. "The head of the capital of one fifth part Sardana Avksentyeva reported Russian Federation about the decision ahead of schedule to resign authority. It came to the power with the slogan: in total...