Alexander Drozdenko signed the resolution on the new head of "youth" committee

@Forpost Severo-Zapad
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The former assistant to the ex-speaker of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation will work in structure of executive power of the 47th region. On Monday, January 11, it became known that the new chairman of committee on youth policy of Leningrad Region appointed to Marina Grigoryev. In a new position it will work since January 12. The corresponding order was signed by the governor Alexander Drozdenko. Marina Grigoryev chose on competition which was appointed by the head of the region. 27 people applied for a post of the chairman of department, in the final passed 10. Marina Grigoryev have two highest educations. In 2003-2004 it worked in committee on affairs...
Alexander Drozdenko
Last position: Governor (Government of the Leningrad region)
Sergey Naryshkin
Last position: Director (Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation)
Aleksey Orlov
Main activity:Official
Marina Grigoryev
Last position: Chairman (Committee on Youth Policy of the Leningrad region)
Gennady Alekseevich Orlov
Main activity:Official