Stokh Polyak won "Tour of four springboards", Nazarov Mikhail — the 21st

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Audio-version: Your browser does not support the audio element. Today, on January 6, in Bishofskhofena (Austria) the final stage of "Tour of four springboards" took place. The Pole Stokh Kamil became the winner of competitions. He managed to depart on 139 and 140 meters, having gained 300,7 points. As a result it became the winner of the overall ranking. For Stokh Kamil it already the third victory on "Tour of four springboards". The German athlete, Carl Gayger, the third place at one more Pole David Kubatski became the second in the overall ranking. Nazarov Mikhail, taken the 21st place became the best of Russians. Eugenie Klimov became the 34th, Mankov Ilya — the 70th...