Soccer. Arthur Slabashevich left "Neman"

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The defender Arthur Slabashevich left "Neman". Term the player with the Grodno club expired contracts, the press service of "Neman" reports. Slabashevich passed a team in a summer tranferny window of a season-2019. As a part of "flavovirent" the defender played a debut match on July 19 in Grodno. In the 16th round of the Neman championship accepted "Gomel" and drew with "white-green" 1:1. Artur left in a starting lineup and played all match. For one and a half seasons the Minsker played in 40 official matches of "Neman" (3475 minutes or 81,57% of time played during this time by team) in which assisted the partners twice. In...
Arthur Slabashevich
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (FSHM)