Semenkin Mikhail through court returned to a chair of the Minister of Agriculture Ulyanovsk Region

@Pervyj Ul'janovskij portal
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On December 29 court in the matter of Semenkin Mikhail whom discharged of the management of MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE ULYANOVSK REGION "in connection with trust loss" took place. Let's remind that the governor Sergei Morozov lost belief in the official after foreign voyage Semenkin Mikhail. In mass media there passed information that the official together with the former head of administration Cherdakly district Maria Shpak flied abroad on the private liner. The trip was paid allegedly by one of the Ulyanovsk businessmen. "Ulpressa" reported that court decided to return to Semenkin Mikhail a post of the minister of agro-industrial complex and developments rural territories. Journalists...
Sergei Morozov
Main activity:Politician
Maria Shpak
Last position: Head of administration (Municipal entity municipal entity administration Cherdakly district of the Ulyanovsk region)
Semenkin Mikhail