Cherdakly district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe with an ulterior motive celebrate this event in the Cherdaklinsky area. It left in leaders in all directions of agricultural production of the Ulyanovsk region: on plant growing, on animal husbandryWe with an ulterior motive celebrate this event in the Cherdaklinsky area. It left in leaders in all directions of agricultural production of the Ulyanovsk region: on plant growing, on animal husbandry9/1/2019Sergei MorozovOur recommendations about introduction of the salaries given on payment are already implemented in five municipalities: Bazarnosyzgansky, Novospassky, Cherdaklinsky areas and cities of Ulyanovsk and Dimitrovgrad11/16/2021Natalia BryukhanovaWe with an ulterior motive celebrate this event in the Cherdaklinsky area. It left in leaders in all directions of agricultural production of the Ulyanovsk region: on plant growing, on animal husbandryWe with an ulterior motive celebrate this event in the Cherdaklinsky area. It left in leaders in all directions of agricultural production of the Ulyanovsk region: on plant growing, on animal husbandry9/1/2019Sergei MorozovOur recommendations about introduction of the salaries given on payment are already implemented in five municipalities: Bazarnosyzgansky, Novospassky, Cherdaklinsky areas and cities of Ulyanovsk and Dimitrovgrad11/16/2021Natalia BryukhanovaWe with an ulterior motive celebrate this event in the Cherdaklinsky area. It left in leaders in all directions of agricultural production of the Ulyanovsk region: on plant growing, on animal husbandryWe with an ulterior motive celebrate this event in the Cherdaklinsky area. It left in leaders in all directions of agricultural production of the Ulyanovsk region: on plant growing, on animal husbandry9/1/2019Sergei Morozov1274Region News+13 last week0Media Score73RUS+784231Dialing code117Connections+48 last weekPopulation41 804NewsConnections Tree
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