Anferni Kharduey: "Uayzmen James is a dream of any trainer"
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The 4-fold participant Matcha of stars of NBA Anferni Kharduey shared opinion on the beginner of "Golden Steyt" Uayzmen James. Uayzmen James began last season in team universities Memphis which trainer is Harduey. "Uayzmen James is a dream of any trainer. Because it will always make everything that you will demand from it. It from those guys who do not put the ego on the first place. Uayzmen James could approach and ask in what he works not enough. He asked it in breaks on rest. Even after training he said that wants to work over the weak places. Considering Uayzmen James, to it...
Anferni Deon Kharduey
Last position: Head coach (Independent noncommercial organization "Angelovo-sport")
Uayzmen James