The City Council of the Eagle adopted budget for 2021. With it not everything is unambiguous

@Orlovskie novosti
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Deputies at City Council session approved on December 24 the draft of the budget the cities for 2021 and on planning period 2022 and 2023. As the chief of financial and economic managements Igor Nikolaevich Kralichev, budget the difficult paid attention...
Igor Nikolaevich Kralichev
Main activity:Official
Youri Nikolaevich Parakhin
Last position: Mayor (Administration of Oryol)
Eugenie Kosogov
Last position: Deputy
Leonid Semenovich Muzalevsky
Last position: Chairman (Regional Council of People's Deputies of the Oryol district)
Timur Alekseevich Nerushev
Last position: Deputy (Oryol city council of People's Deputies)
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Oblastnoye government
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