LLC "OTKRYTIYE FAKTORING" joined the Factorin blokcheyn-platform

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Project Customers: LLC "OTKRYTIYE FAKTORING" Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit Podryadchiki:faktorin (Factorin) Product: Factorin Blokcheyn-platforma for trade financings On base: Projects on the basis of Technologies blokcheyna project Date: 2020/05 - 2020/11 Technology: SRM - Management relationship with suppliers contractors - the 80th projects - 422 systems - the 132nd vendors - 90 2020: Accession to the blokcheyn-platform Factorin LLC "OTKRYTIYE FAKTORING" joined to Technologies blokcheyna - the Factorin platform. About this Digital Horizon reported on December 23, 2020. 9 of 10 Russian factors carry out now transactions...