Yylbasha, Alexander! With New Year 2017!

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But it will be possible to tell it to Alexander Ivanovich Yepuryanu only on December 27th when the house match of the 15th round about Football club "Kasympasha" will end. For now the 14th team of the Moldavian legionary largely conceded in round today on a visit going in group of leaders of "Fenerbahçe", than showed that those who ranks "citizens" from Istanbul as category "the brought-down pilots", have bases...
Alexander Ivanovich Yepuryanu
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Istanbul Bashakshekhir")
Marcelle Zhani Emile Tisseran
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Fenerbakhche")
Sangare Nazim
Louis Gustavo
Football club "Kasympasha"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Football club "Istanbul Bashakshekhir"
Main activity:Culture and sports