Alexander Kolomeytsev about Russian Federation: "When we see our pensions, everything is clear. The developed nothing – JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSNANO" and ROSKOSMOS STATE CORPORATION nothing show"
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The former halfback of "Locomotive" Alexander Kolomeytsev told about quality of life to Russian Federation. – Everything suits you to Russian Federation? – If to consider how I live – everything arranges. If to take as a whole – no. When we see what pensions at us, everything becomes clear. – Your parents could live only on the pension? – No. And if could, it would be very heavy … Pensions very small. Pay for utilities and descend in a drugstore – already a half is spent. – It is wrong when the country with such enriched resources pays such kopeks? – Incorrectly. There was a virus, but all the same...