AEK Karrera Massimo drew with "Hair", judge showed three red cards

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AEK in a match of the 13th round of the championship houses drew Greece and Karim Ansarifard, guests answered with exact blows Ferrari Franko and Amr Medkhat Varda. Also in a match there were three removals: at AEKA Zhoze Paulo Bezerra Masiel Zhunior and Shakhov Eugenie, at "Hair" — Kolombo Rodrigue were removed. For team Karrera Massimo are the second draw in a row in the championship Greece. After that AEK match with 24 points takes the fourth place in standings, "Hair" with 16 points — on the seventh line...
Karim Ansarifard
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (FC "Nottingem Forest")
Amr Medkhat Varda
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "PAOK")
Zhoze Paulo Bezerra Masiel Zhunior
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (OSFR PO OF THE KRASNOYARSK TERRITORY)
Karrera Massimo