Hockey. Roman Graborenko will challenge cancellation of contract with "Petrochemist" in arbitration KHL

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The Belarusian defender Roman Graborenko will challenge the cancellation of contract with "Petrochemist". The Belarusian in November was placed by club in the list of refusals, and then contract with it terminated because of decrease in level of game and an insufficient physical form. On December 16 will pass consideration of the case Roman Graborenko in arbitration KHL. Earlier the player addressed in the main, clinic accredited by league where confirmed that the defender was traumatized about two months ago. According to, besides a meniscus, at Roman Graborenko there was an injury of a forward crucial ligament. In this situation "Petrochemist" could not...
Roman Graborenko
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (LLC "XK "Neftekhimik")