Valneva начала клинические испытания вакцины от коронавируса в Британии

Ежедневный дайджест новостей о ситуации с распространением COVID-19
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Sergei Leonidovich Voznesensky
Last position: The associate professor of infectious diseases with courses of epidemiology and phthisiology (RUDN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION UNIVERSITY FRIENDSHIP OF PEOPLE, FGAOU VO RUDN, FGAOU VO "ROSSIYSKY UNIVERSITY DRUZHBY NARODOV")
Mikhail Murashko
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
Sergey Sobyanin
Last position: Mayor (Moscow Government)
Ursula Gertrude fon der Lyayen
Last position: Chairman (European Commission, EC)
Andrey Pozdnyakov
Last position: Chief physician (LLC "Invitro-Sibir")