The project about holding a referendum about marriage did not manage to be rejected

@Russkaja obschina Estonii
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Parliament Estonia. Photo: Eric Peynar / Parliament Estonia the Coalition in Parliament Estonia did not support the offer of opposition to reject the project about holding a referendum on marriage, reports BNS. Rejecting the project about holding a referendum, 48 deputies voted, against there were 51 parliamentarians from hundred being present at a hall. Thus, the bill remained in the parliament agenda. Among deputies from ruling coalition members of Isamaa voted for a rejection of the bill Kiysler Siym, Saaremyae Yullar and Victoria Ladynskaya-Kubits. Mikhail Lotman refrained. Imre Sooyaer, member of fraction Centrist...
Виктория Ладынская-Кубитс
Last position: Member of parliament (Riigikogu)
Kiysler Siym
Saaremyae Yullar
Khelme Tem