The Olympic champion Yekimov Vyacheslav is re-elected as the president of Federation of bicycle sports Russian Federation

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Yekimov Vyacheslav holds a post of the president of FVSR since December, 2016 Moscow, on December 12. information agency "ITAR-TASS". The triple Olympic champion Yekimov Vyacheslav is re-elected as the president of Federation of bicycle sports Russian Federation (FVSR) at report-back election conference which takes place in Saint Petersburg. One of delegates of conference reported information agency "ITAR-TASS". Yekimov Vyacheslav was the only candidate for this post, 40 of 46 delegates voted for it. Report-back election conference takes place in one of hotels Saint Petersburg". Yekimov Vyacheslav is re-elected on a post of the president of Federation of bicycle sports Russian Federation", - the delegate reported...