Кадыров заявил, что санкции США не повлияют на футбол в Чечне

Кадыров заявил, что санкции США не повлияют на футбол в...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «website "Rossiyskaya gazeta"» , more details in our Terms of Service
Ramzan Kadyrov
Last position: Governor of Chechnya (President of the Republic of Chechen)
Akhmad Kadyrov
Main activity:Politician
Vakhit Usmaev
Last position: Head of the secretariat of the Head (Administration of the Head and Government of the Chechen Republic)
Ziyad Sabsabi
Last position: Vice-chairman (Committee Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on International affairs)
Tsarnaev Said