Roman Mendelevich Vilfand: December in Moscow will not be snow

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The research supervisor Federal state-financed institution "Hydrometeorological center Russia" Roman Mendelevich Vilfand declared that in the capital in December level of a precipitation will be in limits or norms are lower. In Moscow it is possible not to wait for snowfall. Roman Mendelevich Vilfand: December in Moscow will not be snow Federal agency news - by words Roman Mendelevich Vilfand, in Moscow it is possible to expect snow from the middle of December. Late snow precipitation with a high share of probability will be moderate. It is expected that this year the winter will be colder, than in the past, transfers TV channel "RT" ". By our calculations, the amount of precipitation in December in Moscow will be about and below norm" — the head of Hydrometeorological center declared. Earlier...